Onboarding for New Hires



At B&B, we prioritize the success and seamless integration of our placements within our clients’ organizations. To ensure a smooth transition and maximize the potential of our candidates, we offer a complimentary coaching program exclusively tailored to individuals placed through our executive search services.

Program Highlights:

Tailored Support:

Each candidate placed by B&B is paired with a dedicated B&B Coach who provides personalized guidance and support throughout their first three months in the new role.

Manager Aligment:

The program includes an initial session with the Manager, the Coachee, and the B&B Coach to align expectations, objectives, and foster collaboration.

Ongoing Development:

Regular coaching sessions with the B&B Coach offer continuous feedback, skill enhancement opportunities, and goal-oriented guidance.

Focused Goals:

Our coaching methodology emphasizes setting clear objectives and milestones, empowering candidates to achieve tangible results and excel in their new positions.

Client Benefits:

Accelerated Onboarding

Our coaching program accelerates the onboarding process, enabling candidates to quickly integrate into their roles and deliver value to your organization.

Enhanced Retention

By providing tailored support and development, we help increase the likelihood of candidate retention, minimizing turnover costs and disruptions.

Improved Performance

Candidates benefit from targeted coaching interventions designed to enhance their performance, productivity, and job satisfaction, leading to greater overall success within your organization.

Strengthened Partnership

Our complimentary coaching program underscores our commitment to delivering exceptional value and support throughout the recruitment process, fostering a stronger partnership with your organization.

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